Midwestern Ontario News – BlackburnNews.com 2022-12-18 05:10:41

The Ausable Bayfield Maitland Valley Drinking Water Source Protection Committee honoured two retiring members at its last meeting.

Chair Matt Pearson thanked Ian Brebner and Myles Murdock for their years of dedication to protecting local sources of municipal drinking water. Ian was one of the original committee members that reviewed technical material and negotiated policies that formed the first source water protection plans in the region. Those plans came into effect in 2015.

That was also the year that Murdock joined the committee as a North municipal representative, having earlier participated in regional source protection working groups that started in 2008.

The Source Water Protection Committee develops and updates local source protection plans to protect municipal drinking water sources from contamination and overuse. The committee is currently proposing draft amendments to those plans. Public consultation, on those policy changes begins in January 2023. Anyone looking for more information on the proposed amendments or to apply for the vacant SPC position can go to the source protection website https://www.sourcewaterinfo.on.ca/.

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