South Bruce Grey Health Centre said its Durham emergency department will close overnight starting late Friday afternoon.
A release sent by the hospital network late Thursday evening stated the Durham site will close at 5 p.m. and reopen Saturday, November 12 at 7 a.m.
“All efforts to find staffing for the emergency department have been undertaken without success,” a statement from SBGHC read.
Ambulance by-pass will begin at 5 p.m. and patients will be transported to the next closest emergency department.
Those in need of emergent medical attention should still call 911. Non-urgen health care needs can be made to Health Connect Ontario 24/7 at 811.
The closure notice comes the same day SBGHC announced that the Chesley Hospital Emergency Department is resuming weekday service.
The closest Emergency Departments to the Durham Hospital are:
• Hanover (20km)
• Mount Forest (25km)
• Markdale (28km)
• Walkerton (28km)
• Owen Sound (46km)
• Palmerston (46km)