Clinton Radar Screen to soon be lit up seasonally

Central Huron’s Community Improvement Coordinator says they will soon be lighting up the Radar Screen in Clinton.

Angela Smith says the Radar Screen has been sitting for decades.

“The Radar Screen has been sitting for decades at the intersection of highways 4 and 8 as a remembrance to the people of Clinton and Vanastra and all of the people that trained here for different wars, with the use of radar,” said Smith.

Smith says they’re planning to light it up so that it becomes another destination in their plan to become an Illumination Destination.

Smith adds, the colour of the Radar Screen will change with the season.

“It is fully programmable, so it will be lit appropriately for the season. So the goal is to have it lit for Halloween, so you can imagine that it will be orange for the night,” Smith noted.

And for Christmas and Valentine’s Day, it will change colours appropriately, along with light tunnel beside the town hall.

The project is fully funded through the Tourism grant and the Heritage Fund.

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