Scoreboard, June 18

Friday’s Games


American League

N.Y. Yankees 12 Toronto 3

Baltimore 1 Tampa Bay 0

Texas 7 Detroit 0

Houston 13 Chicago White Sox 3

Seattle 8 L.A. Angels 1

Kansas City 5 Oakland 1

National League

Philadelphia 5 Washington 3, 1st game

Philadelphia 8 Washington 7, 10 innings, 2nd game

Chicago Cubs 1 Atlanta 0

Milwaukee 5 Cincinnati 4

San Francisco 2 Pittsburgh 0

Boston 6 St. Louis 5

N.Y. Mets 10 Miami 4

Colorado 10 San Diego 4


Boston 6 St. Louis 5

Arizona 7 Minnesota 2

Cleveland 2 L.A. Dodgers 1, 10 innings


Winnipeg 19 Ottawa 12

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