Kincardine launches tree policy survey

The Municipality of Kincardine has launched a survey to find out what residents would like to see included in the development of a tree policy and by-law.

For trees on Municipal property, the Municipal Tree Policy adopted last summer was created to preserve, enhance, conserve, and manage the urban and rural tree canopy. That includes proper stewardship techniques to protect and enhance the life expectancy of municipal trees.

“There is a delicate balance between conservation and development that must always be considered,” stated Adam Weishar, Director of Infrastructure and Development. “We encourage the community to complete the survey to help the Municipality develop a policy and by-law for the removal of trees on private property moving forward.”

The Tree Policy directs staff to plant two new trees for every one tree that needs to be removed on Municipal property.  However, there is no a by-law for the removal of trees on private property;

The  public survey will help determine was to strengthen tree protection. S  staff will  create a report and policy for Council consideration.

This survey must be completed online or on paper by June 22, 2022, and can be completed online, or by requesting a paper copy of the survey by emailing

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