No one hurt as chunk of overpass falls onto Highway 403

A section of Highway 403 in Brantford was closed for much of the day Monday after a slab of concrete fell from an overpass to the lanes below.

Brant County OPP said that a piece of construction equipment being transported along the highway struck the Wayne Gretzky Parkway overpass shortly after 1 p.m. The collision caused a girder protecting the bridge to dislodge and fall. It smashed through the guard rails as it landed across three lanes.

No injuries were reported.

All lanes of the highway between Garden Avenue and King George Road were closed while crews removed the debris and structural engineers examined the damage. The eastbound lanes reopened around 6 p.m., while the westbound lanes remained closed until Tuesday morning.

This is the second time this year the Wayne Gretzky Parkway overpass has been struck by a piece of equipment. In January, a truck and trailer moving an excavator hit the structure causing concrete to fall to the highway. No one was hurt, but several vehicles were damaged in that incident.

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