Elections Ontario launches new app

Elections Ontario is putting voter information at people’s fingertips this year with a new smartphone application.

The app, launched this month, allows people to search their riding for candidate information, advanced voting days, and poll locations.

“It actually allows the elector to get information as to where their voting locations are. It will actually map it from where they are to their closest advanced poll, it will map it to their election day poll. It will also provide information on other ways to vote,” said Ontario’s Chief Electoral Officer Greg Essensa.

The app was launched on April 1, but most of the features will not be available until after May 4.

The current Ontario government will be dissolved on May 4 launching the official election period. After May 4, mail-in voting kits can be requested and special ballot voting with begin.

In this election, there will be ten advanced voting days between May 19 and 28.

“We’re quite hopeful that by providing this greater number of opportunities for polls closer to electors that they can make an informed choice as to when they wish to vote. If they wish to vote during that ten-day period, there is more opportunity to,” said Essensa.

Election day is June 2, 2022.

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