Southwestern Ontario town’s Pride walkway defaced again: Police

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A rainbow-coloured boardwalk in Tillsonburg, the Southwestern Ontario town’s nod of support to the LGBTQ community, has been vandalized for the second time in the past few weeks, police say.

Ontario Provincial Police – who recently issued a stern warning to would-be vandals as Pride month began – say it was some time overnight on June 9 when a person on a red-and-white dirt bike used its rear tires to damage the paint and wood on the boardwalk, which is located outside the Station Arts Centre on Bridge Street.

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It was painted rainbow colours to honour Pride month, police said. They say the suspect was wearing a black helmet, a light-coloured hooded sweatshirt and dark-coloured pants at the time of the incident.

The boardwalk was also damaged on the night of May 27, also by someone on a red-and-white dirt bike, police said. Anyone with information about these incidents, including video surveillance, is asked to contact the Oxford OPP at 1-888-310-1122 or *677 via cellphone. Those wishing to remain anonymous can call Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-TIPS (8477).

Tillsonburg, a town of about 20,000 located southeast of London in Oxford County, endured similar incidents last year, too: A rainbow-painted crosswalk was defaced days after being created in July 2023, and again two months later. The second incident prompted Mayor Deb Gilvesy to issue a statement: “This is reckless behaviour and it needs to stop.”

Earlier this month, Oxford County OPP issued a warning to those who planned to damage or steal signs of LGBTQ support such as flags.

“The OPP wants to remind the public that theft or vandalism of these flags are criminal acts and will not be tolerated,” the May 30 statement read, adding that “any individual who engages in any criminal act towards an identifiable group may face criminal and hate-motivated crime charges.”

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  1. Area mayor fumes as town’s rainbow crosswalk defaced – for fourth time

  2. The rainbow crosswalk on Bridge Street West in Tillsonburg was vandalized for a second time in mere weeks on Aug. 11, 2023 (right); Ontario Provincial Police published an image of a person of interest.

    Local town’s rainbow crosswalk vandalized, cleaned, vandalized again

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