Letters to the Editor: June 13, 2024

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Re “Lie loudly and lie often” (Brian Lilley, June 10): To Chrystia Freeland’s warning that democracy is at stake and “What kind of Canada do you want to live in?” Knowing that storm clouds have been building on the horizon, I want to live in a Canada where my government is taking every measure to ensure our democratic institutions are protected from influence by foreign agents; where my government gives the highest priority to ensuring our security by giving the military the equipment and support it needs to protect its soldiers and citizens should Canada be once again committed to a major conflict. I want to live in a Canada where Canadians feel safe knowing that criminals are adequately dealt with and not roaming the streets on bail; where the economy is such that Canadians can look forward to buying a home and adequately feeding their families. That’s the kind of Canada I want to live in.

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Mihail G. Murgoci


(Freeland’s comments were ridiculous and she was attempting to get an emotional response by making these absurd claims. We aren’t buying it Chrystia.)


Message for Chrystia Freeland: I would like to live in a country where our leaders were responsible with our tax dollars. Where people that work hard, create wealth and provide jobs aren’t demonized. A country that invites investment and talent, doesn’t scare it away. A country that prosecutes traitors, doesn’t do everything to protect them. A country where leaders don’t make shameful speeches meant to divide and foster hate. A country unlike the one Justin Trudeau and company has destroyed since 2015.

Scott Boylan


(She is out of touch and has no idea what she is talking about nor how to handle Canada’s finances. Time for the Liberals to go.)


In response to Toronto Police officers using force against protesters who get out of hand: I stand with the police. If you put your hands on a cop, you might get punched in the face — as a taxpaying Canadian, I have zero problems with that message. Go blue! We stand with you.

Damian Kanarek


(These protesters feel emboldened because they get away with screaming their hate. But we agree about the cops’ actions.)

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