Saugeen Shores council balks at calls for more canine beach access

Last month’s dog beach survey in Saugeen Shores showed support for increased canine access, but council is still unsure of how it wants to go about it.

Staff presented a report at this week’s meeting which summarized the public feedback they received during a two-week consultation. It also included a recommendation to amend the Animal Control By-law to allow for year-round access at two more beaches: in Southampton from the Saugeen River to the flagpole on High Street and in Port Elgin from 538 Izzard Road to Bruce Road 25.

However, members of council expressed hesitancy about committing to such major changes.

“One concern I have with the whole notion of specific dog beaches is, once we identify ‘this is a beach where you can take your dog,’ then everyone will head to that particular beach,” said Mayor Luke Charbonneau. “So you’ll get an inundation… I don’t know what happens but it’s possible that a lot more people with dogs could appear in a very small space and that could create other issues that we haven’t anticipated. So I think a pilot is something we should definitely try rather than a holus bolus change of this by-law right off the bat.”

The online survey received 2684 responses, with 64 per cent (1710) supporting expanded access. Affirmative responses were then asked whether they’d like more designated areas, access to all beaches during specific times of day or both, and 81 per cent were in favour of more areas.

However, staff noted the survey was meant to be a “temperature check” and not necessarily statistically significant.

“There was a pretty strong support for expanding the beach so I think we do have to acknowledge that there is an appetite for that,” said Coun. Rachel Stack. “I think if we can do the flagpole (north of High Street), see how it goes, see if folks conduct themselves appropriately with respect to the dogs, I think no harm no foul with respect to that location.”

Ultimately, council voted in favour of referring the matter back to staff.

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