‘No adverse impacts’ from Bruce Power leak

Bruce Power says there have been no adverse impacts after a heavy water leakage from Unit 4 in late April.

On April 25, operations staff discovered a leak of heavy water from the Unit 4 heat transport system. The unit was temporarily removed from service and staffing at Bruce A was reduced that day to crews completing the clean-up.

Unit 4 was returned to service on April 30 and an investigation revealed the source of the leak was an instrument line in the heat transport system. Bruce Power says a number of steps are being taken to implement corrective actions.

While it was initially thought the spill was contained within the Bruce A station, the company says follow-up investigations identified approximately 20 litres of heat transport water reached a drain and potentially made its way into Lake Huron.

“An analysis of the amount of tritium present in the water indicated that any potential release would have no adverse impact on the environment or risk to the public. Operations staff monitored water entering the lake frequently during the event and no abnormal or elevated levels of tritium were detected,” read an update from the company.

Internal staff also did a test of airborne radiological emissions and confirmed that no regulatory limits were reached or exceeded.

“There have been no adverse impacts to employees, the environment or the public,” said the release from Bruce Power.

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