Library launches Summer Reading Club

The Huron County Library is inviting young readers between the ages of four and twelve to join this year’s TD Summer Reading Club.

Coordinator Nadine VanBreda says it’s an annual program run by the county library and this year it runs from July 3rd to August 25th.

“It’s weekly one hour sessions at each of the twelve Huron County libraries and every week we read a book, do an activity and make a craft with the kids. We do challenges that you can do during the week while you’re not at the sessions and you can get prizes from that,” VanBreda said.

VanBreda says the Summer Reading Club encourages young people to continue to read through the summer when they’re not going to school and in a way that they enjoy.

“So it’s a way to keep reading fun for the kids and to encourage them to continue reading for fun and for their own enjoyment instead of maybe at school when reading is more to learn and to progress your phonics or stuff like that,” added VanBreda.

She says the students choose the books they want to read and they get prizes based on how much they read through the week.

VanBreda says their theme for this summer is Check This Out and that can go in a number of directions. They have themes for every week with things that they can check out together like pirate party, monster mayhem and plants a plenty. She says they’re prepared for two hundred kids, but they do have space for five hundred, so they’re hoping to get more than two hundred. She says registration is open now and registrations can be completed by going to

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