LHSC urges residents to be mindful as “trauma season” begins

London’s largest hospital network hopes everyone will stay safe this long-weekend and into the summer as emergency room visits tend to increase after the Victoria Day weekend.

According to the London Health Science’s Centre (LHSC), the May holiday weekend marks the unofficial start to what’s known as “trauma season”- the period of time between Victoria Day and September 30 that is often the busiest months at emergency departments.

Hospital officials say during this quarter of the year, there is a spike in the number of people treated for serious, life-threatening injuries. This is mainly due to vehicle crashes as residents hit the road for vacations or cottage getaways, LHSC said.

“Motor vehicle crashes are the leading cause of serious injury for adults and children who are treated at LHSC,” said Injury Prevention Specialist Jennifer Britton. “In most cases, these collisions could have been prevented and there are simple steps that can be taken to ensure everyone is safe this summer.” 

While many people may be itching to get on their way, LHSC is advising residents to follow posted speed limits and avoid excessive speeding at all costs in an effort to prevent crashes and reduce the severity of injuries. Although it may seem like a given, drivers are also reminded to drive sober, limit distractions while driving and ensure all passengers are buckled up.

If you find yourself needing emergency health care, call 911. Those in need non-urgent health care needs, who are unable to attend the office of their family doctor, or a walk-in clinic, can go online to the LHSC’s website to view the hospital’s estimated wait times at the emergency department.


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