Strathroy-Caradoc police are searching for a male suspect who reportedly had a suspicious encounter with a young girl near St. Vincent de Paul Catholic School.
Officers received reports of an attempted child abduction Saturday around noon. The incident happened in the area of McKellar Street and Oak Avenue.
Leading up to the call, police say the girl was walking along a path located by 305 Oak Avenue, heading toward the St. Vincent de Paul school yard. The child was allegedly approached by an unknown man, and when she tried to walk away, he began to chase her down the pathway.
The girl was able to get away and immediately called authorities, according to police.
Police are now on the hunt for a white man between 30 and 40-years-old. He is described as having short brown hair, unshaven facial hair, missing teeth, and a scar on his chin. At the time of the alleged incident, the suspect was wearing a grey shirt and black sweat pants. He is believed to have a snake tattoo on his neck, a sleeve tattoo on one arm, as well as a lip and nose piercing.
Strathroy-Cardon police say this is an ongoing investigation.
Anyone with information about the incident or who may have video surveillance of the area is asked to contact the police service at 519-245-1250.