Bruce County gets rolling on transit study

Bruce County has launched an online survey as the first step in its Transit Demand and Feasibility Study.

The study is meant to gauge the need and demand for transit solutions for county residents, workers, students, and visitors.

“The input of residents, businesses, and visitors traveling in the communities of Bruce County is essential to understand the need and demand for transit,” says Warden Chris Peabody. “Council and staff are eager to hear from you as we examine transit needs and consider the feasibility of different transit options in order to build plans for the future.”

The county will also will be undertaking Stakeholder Engagement Sessions with local municipalities and key groups and organizations this month.

The online survey will be available until Friday, May 26.

Hard copies can also be filled in at Bruce County administrative buildings, libraries or the Museum and Cultural Centre. To request one, call 1-519-881-1291 or email

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