Volunteers needed for Longwoods ‘Spring Tidy’

The second annual Spring Tidy is taking place at Longwoods Road Conservation Area this weekend, and Lower Thames Valley Conservation Authority (LTVCA) is looking for community helpers.

Whether you’re an environmental enthusiast or just in need some volunteer hours, anyone who can lend a hand is welcome.

The Spring Tidy will happen Sunday, April 30 from 1 to 4 p.m. at 8348 Longwoods Road in Mount Brydges.

Volunteers will clean up the conservation area grounds and around Ska-Nah-Doht Village and the Heritage Log Cabins.

“Help prepare the Heritage Log Cabins for field trip season, pick up litter along a trail, or lend a hand tidying up the recreation Village,” said a statement from LTVCA. “We will have some equipment and gloves available. You can stay for the afternoon or stop by for a couple of hours.”

Those taking part in the Spring Tidy will be provided a free Day Use parking pass.

High school students in need of volunteer hours are reminded to bring their sign-off sheet.

During the first Longwoods Spring Tidy, 20 people put in 60 hours of work for the project. Organizers are hoping to outdo those numbers this year.

For more information or to register in advance, contact alison.klages@ltvca.ca.

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