London’s Clean and Green initiative launches 28th year

Once again, the City of London is kicking off an annual campaign aimed at making the Forest City greener.

Community partners, volunteers, and city staff gathered at Westminster Ponds Centre on Tuesday to launch the 28th annual London Clean and Green campaign, which was first launched in 1996.

The initiative is aimed at promoting litter prevention, with community-led clean-ups across the city. Londoners taking part in the campaign will participate in the “12 Days of Cleaning” leading up to the annual 20-minute London Makeover before concluding with a community-wide clean-up and Earthfest on April 22.

“London Clean and Green is about more than just reducing waste and cleaning up litter. It helps bring together Londoners to support the environment, volunteer with their neighbours, and take action against climate change,” said Mayor Josh Morgan in a statement.

Those looking to participate can request bags and gloves from the city for clean-ups. They can also request a curbside location for bagged litter that will be picked up by the city on Earth Day.

To avoid overlapping, participants are encouraged to schedule clean up locations on the city’s website. Londoners can add their own locations to the map, and invite people to their specific event.

To celebrate Earth Day, London’s second annual EarthFest takes place from 12 p.m. until 5 p.m. to promote environmental action and local organizations. EarthFest will be held on Dundas Place (near Wellington Street), inside the London Public Library Central Branch and at Citi Plaza.

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