Saugeen Shores open house features plan to intensify housing

The Town of Saugeen Shores wants to hear from the community on Residential Intensification Guidelines.

Residents will have a chance to look at the plan to improve housing availability at a virtual Open House on Thursday, April 6, 2023, from 6:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.

Town staff will host a Virtual Open House with support from planning consultants to determine how to bring the broad range of housing types and sizes needed in the community, while maintaining a small town charm.

Staff and the consultants will gather public input on the Residential Intensification Guidelines and then present to Council at a future meeting for consideration.

For more information, people can email or call 519-832-2008 x.12.

More details about the project can be found at for more information about this project and our other housing related programs.

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