Huron Perth Transportation announcing plans to address bus driver shortage

The General Manager of Huron Perth Transportation Services says they expect to introduce some changes next week that will address some of the problems with the shortage of school bus drivers.

“We’ve had some things in the works for a few weeks now. None of these things can happen overnight. They do take time to work through, find solutions. So we do have some things that will be happening that will be effective when we return to school on Monday,” said Janice White

“And we have some more longer term things that we’re looking at. I can’t give specifics because they will be significant changes and those are things that we have to work through the process before I could announce what that might be,” White added.

White also said the problem has been building for some time but it’s taken longer to get out to Huron County than some larger urban centres. She explained the money is part of the problem, but there are other issues.

“It’s not a job for everyone. It’s a split shift. You go to work in the morning. You go home. Then you come back in the afternoon. Not everyone wants to do that. Most people that are in the employment range want full time work,” she pointed out.

White added, as a parent herself, she definitely understands the frustration. And she says they are still looking for drivers. White said anyone interested in becoming a school bus driver can contact a current driver or go to the web site




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