United Way Bruce Grey is celebrating its twenty-fifth year in operation this year.
The goal of the United Way is to support charities and community initiatives through many local events and fundraisers, with funding going toward many different programs that offer social supports for those in need.
The United Way Bruce Grey has had many successes over the last 25 years,
– Over $4 million invested in community partners through direct grants to
over 60 community partners and projects
– Over 33,000 backpacks to low income children throughout the region,
saving parents over $2.5 million in school supplies
– Over $4.5 million in utility support and over 6,000 households assisted
To celebrate the twenty-fifth anniversary, United Way Bruce Grey will be doing an event on the twenty-fifth day every month this year. To learn more about what UWBG has done in the last 25 years, and for information on upcoming events to celebrate their anniversary, visit https://unitedwayofbrucegrey.com/united-way-bruce-greys-25th-anniversary/.