Local veteran and MP discusses Remembrance Day

Remembrance Day Services are a sacred time of year for Bruce Grey Owen Sound MP Alex Ruff.

Ruff will be attending a service in Tara Friday morning, where he says he’ll be thinking about the soldiers he served with in his 25 years as a member of the Canadian Armed Forces.

“For myself, certainly as a veteran and having lost soldiers of mine in Afghanistan, it really means something. And so I think it’s important for all Canadians to take the time to remember those that made the ultimate sacrifices,” he said.

Ruff is urging residents to take a moment to remember our veterans at 11 a.m. Friday.

“It’s so important for Canadians to mark Remembrance Day, as a lot of our freedoms and the great democratic nations we live in are due to the ultimate sacrifice made by so many historically, going back pre World War I but obviously World War I and World War II and all the conflicts since,” he said.

He said the First World War had a huge impact on this country, as almost 10 per cent of Canadians served in uniform during that conflict.

“It drives home to me just how impactful and how much of a contribution that so many Canadians have made, how it really touches every family,” he explained.

And he added the fight for democracy continues, as Ukrainians battle a Russian invasion.

“Ukrainians aren’t just fighting for their freedom and democracy, they’re fighting for everybody’s,” he said.

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