Perth County and InvestStratford launch new workplace survey

Perth County and InvestStratford are co-launching a new Workplace Attraction and Retention Employer Toolkit.

The process includes a survey that businesses can take to help better inform the toolkit, which can be completed online. The project is being launched by Meredith Forget from Perth County and Joani Gerber from InvestStratford, who have partnered with HRP4B. The goal is to help businesses with their biggest challenges which include recruiting and retaining top talent. The toolkit aims to feature best practices and tools regarding recruitment, employee retention, employee engagement, flexible job design, employee housing initiatives and diversity, equity and inclusion.

Any businesses who complete the survey and participate in this initiative will be featured in the online Workplace Attraction and Retention Employer Toolkit, have their best practices highlighted, have full access to all its content, and be the first to be notified about the toolkits release.

You can find the survey here:

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