The Ausable Bayfield Conservation Authority’s annual Owl Prowl was a huge success this year.
Conservation Educator Denise Iszczuk says they attracted more than 130 people and they raised more than $1,000 for local conservation education programs. Iszczuk says they had two Owl Prowls this fall.
“We had two, one at Morrison Dam, that’s our typical location and one was at Rock Glen for the first time and it worked out really well. Our turnout was pretty similar at both locations, but having an additional event at Rock Glen certainly helped,” Iszchuk shares.”
Iszczuk says the weather for the Rock Glen event, in October, was great. The weather for the Morrison Dam event was very windy, but that date included a special visit.
“We had a group come in called Wild Ontario and they brought with them three native species of owls from Ontario, which is great. They brought in a Great Horned Owl, they brought in a Screech Owl and then a Northern Saw Whet Owl,” says Iszchuk.
Iszczuk says given the success of the two events this year, they’ll seriously look at having two events next year as well. She says the proceeds for this year’s events will help them continue to provide learning experiences focusing on soil, water and living things. More information about the Owl Prowls can be found on the Ausable Bayfield Conservation web site.