Upper Grand students perform well on province-wide tests

Students with the Upper Grand District School Board met or exceeded above the provincial rate in six of the eight recent Education Quality and Accountability Office assessments.

A report from the school board said many students overcame challenges and disruptions in learning, as they performed well on the tests conducted last school year.

The school board plans to continue to focus on literacy and math, as part of a multi-phased plan launched last year. The plan will target student success and learning interventions. The board will
also take an in depth look at its individual board and school data once it is released.  That information will help determine areas of strengths and needs.

“The UGDSB knows there is still work that remains to be done. The board is committed to the academic success and well-being of all students and to ensuring equity of access and outcomes for all students,” said UGDSB Chair Linda Busuttil.

“We will continue to provide targeted supports to students, including our elementary reading intervention program led by Early Reading Teachers, our Intermediate Reading Support Program, and our Secondary Learning Support Program,” said Director of Education Peter Sovran.


Upper Grand EQAO 2022

Upper Grand EQAO 2022

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