Bluewater Trustee serves a quarter century

A Bluewater District School Board Trustee has received provincial recognition for 25 Years of Service.

Marilyn McComb was the recipient of the 2022 President’s Award from the Ontario Public School Boards’ Association (OPSBA). The honour is given to trustees who have completed 25 years or more of service as nominated by their peers.

The Trustee for the townships of Georgian Bluffs and Chatsworth has served as a member of the Board of Trustees for Bluewater District School Board since 1997, where she has served on both the board’s Special Education Advisory Committee and the committee for Supervised Alternative Learning.

“It is the qualities of vision, commitment, dedication, and selflessness that drive the inspiration to take up the role of trustee,” According to the OPSBA.

The retired teacher, parent, and grandparent, was formally recognized by Chair Thomson and Vice-Chair Jan Johnstone at the October 18, 2022 Regular Meeting of the Board.

“On behalf of the Board of Trustees, I am so pleased to recognize and thank Trustee McComb for her years of dedication to the students and families of Bluewater District School Board,” says Chair Jane Thomson. “Her respected presence at the board table and the trust that she has cultivated over two and a half decades with constituents in her school communities, fellow trustees, staff, and students are to be commended and celebrated.”

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