Ontario Climate Emergency campaign launched

The Ontario Climate Emergency Campaign is warning residents that without action, climate threats will multiply and bring more devastation and irreversible effects. The group warned a state of escalating climate crisis requires informed urgent local government responses.

With municipal elections approaching, the group has asked voters to keep the climate crisis in mind as they vote for local representatives.

The group stated that municipal level policy making can influence half of our greenhouse gas emissions.

The Chair of the Ontario Clean Air Alliance, Jack Gibbons, pointed out we need to elect strong municipal leaders who will say yes to cleaner and lower cost options to keep our lights on.

“Like solar energy. Like home energy retrofits and cold climate air source heat pumps. We need to elect strong municipal leaders who will say yes to no down payment, no interest loans to local residents who want to move their homes to net zero,” he said.

The group explained the critical roles of responsive and responsible municipal government and active broad public support to achieve solutions for a thriving and equitable future,

“When you vote in the municipal elections on Monday, know that your municipal representatives will be making decisions on land use that will determine the fate of green spaces, agriculture and food security. Decisions on housing, tranportation and more,” said Dr. Claudette Holloway, RN and President of the Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario.

“These will significantly impact the extent of the climate crisis, and therefore your health, and that of your family,  friends and other loved ones in the coming decades,” she added.

The plan calls for municipalities to slam the brakes on urban sprawl, transition from fossil fuel to renewables, protect public health, and to inform and educate governments and voters about the issues.

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