OPP host recruitment event ahead of ‘retirement wave’

Several OPP detachments will open their doors to interested applicants during a provincewide recruitment day.

“A Day in the Life” will be held on Saturday, October 1. The information sessions will showcase the different career opportunities within the OPP.

Lambton OPP Cst. Jamie Bydeley said this will be the first in-person recruitment event since the pandemic.

Although it is in-person, it will be held in a “virtual fashion” with presentations being broadcast at detachments simultaneously.

“There will be time for questions and answers, there’ll be officers on site who can provide answers to different questions as well. We’re really looking forward to this to boost our recruiting,” said Bydeley.

“With the current demographics within the OPP, we’re expecting hundreds of officers to retire over the next few years so we’re trying to gear up and get prepared for that retirement wave to hit.”

Specific numbers for retiring West Region officers weren’t available.

Some of the topics that will be covered during the recruitment event include physical fitness, the application process, and a virtual ride-along. Bydeley said applicants need to “bring their best to the process.”

“They need to showcase their achievements, accomplishments, and their life experiences. It’s a competitive process so show recruiters how you’ve bettered yourself to prepare for a career in policing.”

For those who want to participate online, pre-registration for the virtual event is required.

Those who plan to attend a local detachment specific to their region can find a list on the OPP’s website.

Doors open at the Lambton detachment on Oil Heritage Road in Petrolia at 8:30 a.m. The event officially starts at 9 a.m. and runs until 4 p.m. Registration is not required.

Registration is required to attend the West Region detachment at Westminster Drive in London. The event runs from 9 a.m. until 11:30 a.m.

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