Perth East Recreation Centre to undergo roof repairs

The Township of Perth East is going ahead with some roof repairs at the Perth East Recreation Centre.

The municipality’s Recreation and Community Services Manager, Becky Westman, says the initial bit of work coming up will be minor in nature.

“A lot of what is being done now is just patching, and that sort of thing, minor stuff, and there’s about $21,000 that’s required immediately for that.”

However, more permanent roof repairs, particularly on the banquet hall side, will need to be done next year, and Westman says that will cost quite a bit more.

“Next year we are hoping that we can replace the membrane roofing that needs to be replaced totally, and that will be quite a bit more money, around $300,000.”

Westman says the arena side, which was built in 2003, is fine, it’s the banquet hall side of the rec centre that needs work done on it.

“The part that the roof needs replaced on is more the banquet hall side which was built in 1994. So it’s nearing end-of-life, and this is expected with any facility like this where you need to do repairs and maintenance to maintain the asset.”

Westman adds the money for both projects will come from budget funds and town reserves.

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