A desperate need for volunteer drivers in Hanover and Walkerton

There is a “desperate” need for volunteer drivers to take cancer patients to their treatments in the Hanover and Walkerton area.

Mark Kahan, the volunteer recruiter with the Canadian Cancer Society’s Wheels of Hope says they are looking ideally for someone who can volunteer one day a week or half a day a week, is fully vaccinated, with no more than three demerit points on their license.

“There’s many reasons why they can’t get transportation,” explained Kahan. “They shouldn’t be driving after their treatment is the main reason. They may not have friends or family that can drive.”

Kahan says right now there are no drivers available in Hanover or Walkerton.

“We’re actually having to deny service to some people look for transportation which is just heartbreaking,” Kahan said. “We found that some people will not even go to their treatment if they can’t find a ride. They just give up.”

Kahan says Wheels of Hope doesn’t only benefit the patient.

“It’s an incredibly heartwarming experience. It’s amazing how appreciative these people are that a stranger has given them a ride to their treatment. The magic definitely happens in the vehicle. The kindness, the compassion, the conversation. If you like helping people and you like driving, this is the perfect volunteer opportunity for you.”

If you are able to volunteer, you can visit cancervolunteer.ca and click on mission projects or email volunteer@cancer.ca.

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