TVDSB won’t enforce mask requirement

A requirement for indoor masking within Thames Valley District School Board buildings and facilities will not be enforced.

On Thursday, the TVDSB administration sent a letter out to families stating that, despite a motion passed by the Board of Trustees earlier this week, masking will not be enforced.

“Staff, students, and visitors that elect not to wear a mask will be granted an automatic exemption with no action required,” the letter to parents read. “TVDSB Administration recognizes the efforts of the Board of Trustees and is supportive of masking in schools and TVDSB office buildings.”

The board added that it continues to encourage supportive conversations surrounding the topic of masking and is urging the school community to be respectful of varying perspectives and opinions involving the wearing of face masks.

This clarification follows a nearly two-hour board meeting held Tuesday evening where Trustees voted 7-5 to reinstate a mask mandate. Board members later opted to use the term ‘mask requirement’ as the school board’s legal counsel Ali Chabar pointed out that the TVDSB does not have the authority to enforce masking. During the meeting, some Trustees argued that the policy should remain similar to its initial narrative, after masking mandates were lifted by the province on March 21, that masking be “highly recommended.”

A motion to reinstate a temporary masking policy was initially put forward on April 12 by Trustee Corrine Rahman, who noted the rising number of both student and teacher absences within schools and the closure of two area schools. Rahman’s motion initially failed, but was brought back to the table April 19 as it was determined that the outcome from that vote may have been miscounted.

Last week, the TVDSB reported approximately 10 per cent of staff members were off sick or in isolation due to a possible COVID-19 exposure. On Wednesday, the Middlesex London Health Unit’s medical officer of health said that while transmission rates in the London-area remain quite high, there are signs the sixth wave is beginning to plateau locally.

Those who choose to forego wearing a mask will not be required to show documentation of medical exemption.

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