London pals to split $100K lotto win

A 40 year friendship and a vow to look after each other has led two Londoners to a six-figure lottery win.

Steven Gunsten and Alice Conway of London won the $100,000 ENCORE prize in the January 25 LOTTO MAX draw.

The pair have been friends for four decades.

After years of playing the lottery separately, they decided to start going in together on lottery tickets with a plan to use any winnings to make sure they both are well looked after in the future.

“This is our first big win. We always add ENCORE,” said Conway.

The two were together when they discovered their windfall.

“I saw all the zeroes and I had to take a second and third look,” Gusten said.

“I couldn’t believe it. I was in shock,” added Conway.

The longtime friends plan on celebrating their lotto win when it’s safe to do so. In the meantime, both said they will enjoy having some extra cash in the bank.

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