Bruce Power donates to Red Cross for Ukraine

Bruce Power has donated $20,000 to the Red Cross for humanitarian aid in Ukraine.

The company is also encouraging its employees, and other local businesses and community members to consider supporting this effort.

The Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement are responding to humanitarian needs generated by the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

The support could include preparedness, immediate and ongoing relief efforts, long-term recovery, resiliency, and other critical humanitarian activities as needs arise, both in Ukraine and surrounding countries, including supporting populations displaced.

“Bruce Power recognizes the tireless work of the Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement as they provide important humanitarian aid to the people of Ukraine during this time of crisis,” said Pat Dalzell, Bruce Power’s Head of Corporate Affairs. “These organizations selflessly put themselves into harm’s way to assist the people impacted by these acts of war. If you’re able, we hope you can join us in donating to these important groups.”

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