Consultants gathering options for boundary adjustments in Listowel area public schools

The Avon Maitland District School Board is continuing the process of conducting a boundary review in the Listowel area.

Superintendent of Corporate Services, Cheri Carter explains, the review includes six schools in North Perth and one in Perth East. Carter says the North Perth Boundary Review Committee and they’ve had a couple of meetings and presented their information to the board and their consultant and the consultant will now review that and come back with some recommendations and ask the committee how they think each one could work and what it would look like. Carter says the committee will then go back to the community with a survey that will present a couple of options to them and ask for their feedback.

Carter says the need for a boundary review is being driven by the significant population growth in the North Perth area and she points out the situation is very challenging and won’t be solved by simple moving one boundary and that’s the end of it. She says it’s a very complex problem because, in the long term, the high school is also going to experience some growth in enrolment. Carter says the growth right now is at the elementary level, but it will eventually move up to the secondary level.

Carter says all of their information, with recommended options, will be presented to the trustees in April. More information about the boundary review can be found on the Avon Maitland District School Board web site.


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