Pine River Watershed Initiative Network 2023 Highlights

Pine River Watershed Initiative Network 2023 Highlights

2023 was a rewarding year in so many ways.
Now that 2024 is only a few weeks away, we can look back at our accomplishments of 2023:


  • PRWIN hosted our annual PRWIN Spring Seedling Program offering over 120 people personal seedling orders to our community.
  • The spring of 2023, PRWIN completed 4 reforestation sites.
  • Directors organized a seedling planting day with the Ripley 4-H Conservation Club and other community groups: Kinetic Knights, Kincardine 2nd Scouts, Sawjan Samanvay Sanatan Centre, sponsor representatives and PRWIN families. Everyone worked together planting seedlings at Pine River Food located on Highway 21. Ben Lobb, MP of Huron-Bruce, joined us to plant seedlings along the river flats.
  • Our current in ground project involves is a livestock crossing, ditch clean up and rip rap to stabilize and protect the soil surface against erosion.
  • This year, PRWIN directors and volunteers assisted MVCA planting 200 white cedar seedlings and a variety of mature trees and shrubs at a wetland project site.
  • PRWIN Director Tory Colling retired as a member of our board. Tory joined PRWIN in 2017 as an active director and was a representative of the Point Clark Beach Association. Board of directors welcomed new director Angela Thompkins to our community group.
  • PRWIN hosted a “Sponsorship Day” to recognize our sponsors contributions to PRWIN community programs.
  • PRWIN distributes a quarterly newsletter for PRWIN community members. PRWIN added “Get Soil Smart” a new section to our newsletter, to learn more about soil, what it is, what it does, and why soil is different than dirt.
  • Volunteers of PRWIN provided spring maintenance of the rain garden located at the Ripley Library.
  • This summer, The Ripley & District Horticultural Society’s “For Our Youth” coordinated engaging activities for the young club members at the McLarty Environmental Study Area. The group identified birds using pictures and sound-books, explored the area with nature games and assignments and went frog fishing to learn about the frog life-cycle. Also, the Ripley 4-H Conservation Club, Ripley Huron Community School and the Ripley Wolf Cub Summer Camp stopped in to explore in nature.
  • In September, recipients received PRWIN’s Award of Merit to highlight the importance of our community members and connect with local youth.
  • PRWIN created an educational video about berms to showcase the importance of preventing erosion and soil loss.
  • Installation of our PRWIN sponsorship sign located at Mercato & Pizzeria at Pine River Food.
  • Our 2023 Potted Tree Ash Replacement Program offered shoreline residents 24 potted trees.
  • The McLarty Environmental Study Area is located on Bruce Road 6/Side Road 20 in Huron Kinloss. The area is designed for our community to learn about the Pine River; wetland creation and the education of the local wildlife and plants that this area supports. PRWIN has installed a trail system throughout the area, created two wetland ponds, planted memorial trees, an osprey nest and planted over a thousand tree seedlings. Community groups have enjoyed outdoor classroom experiences at the McLarty location. Local youth groups, clubs and day camps are welcome to experience this opportunity.


  • PRWIN supported the Kincardine Naturalization Project Committee with seedlings and tree guards for the Savage Park in Kincardine.
  • PRWIN is connected with the Ripley Huron Community School – Green Team to offer support and engagements with their school projects.
  • Our organization participated in the Lake Huron-Georgian Bay Community – Lake Huron Nearshore – Webinars: Our Shore Your Shore and Connecting Land to Lake.
  • Directors attended Healthy Lake Huron meetings and the Lake Huron Coastal Centre’s 25th Anniversary Conference “Is The Coast Clear” in Grand Bend.
  • Our committee provided a letter of support to OPG for their upcoming Wildlife Habitat Council Application.
  • Directors attended “The Sinking Feeling – Great Plains to The Bottom of the Great Lakes” hosted by Bruce County Historical Society.
  • In celebration of Earth Day, PRWIN was invited to the Ripley Huron Community School Earth Day Assembly to share with students our programs, initiative and opportunities for students and our community.
  • PRWIN submitted articles to support the Healthy Lake Huron Partnership – HLH e-newsletter and The Bruce County Federation of Agriculture annual paper entitled “Bruce Federation Review.”
  • PRWIN Chairperson David Grant was a guest speaker at the Ripley 4-H Conservation Club to talk about our local watershed.
  • PRWIN attended the Ecological Farmers Association of Ontario (EFAO) Watershed Conference in London.
  • The Ripley 4-H Conservation Club attended the Bruce County 4-H Award Night.
  • PRWIN sponsored community events: Public Skating, Free Tree Raffle, and participated at the Ripley Huron Fall Fair with an information vendor table.


PRWIN has installed 16 berms (Water & Sediment Control Basins), 10 livestock crossings, and completed 5 bank restorations.
We have also planted over 357,000 trees (windbreaks, riparian areas, reforestations), installed 24 km of livestock exclusion fencing, 4 nitrate filters, and improved 7 wetland areas.
Our Potted Tree Ash Replacement Program has offered shoreline residents 166 mature potted trees.


PRWIN would not be where we are today without our past/present director’s leadership and dedication to our vision of “Clean water and a healthy ecosystem within the Pine River watershed.”

Copyright © 2018 Pine River Watershed Initiative Network All rights reserved.

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86 Huron Street, Ripley, ON
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The Pine River Watershed Initiative Network · 86 Huron Street Unit 2 · PO Box 367 · Ripley, ON N0G2R0 · Canada

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