November 28th Is A Great 
Day To Give Back In 2023 “
Giving Tuesday”


Please consider supporting PRWIN
with a donation this! 
Giving Tuesday

Tree planting is a rewarding activity that improves our environment now and for future generations. Trees provide services like protecting soil and crops. They also buffer rivers and streams from pollutants, create habitat for birds and animals and provide us with clean air.

We have a growing list of projects personally requested by local landowners. Berms, tree planting and cattle crossing are the majority of project requests.

Your support will help us to continue to preserve and take care of our watershed!

We are a not-for-profit charity, and always welcome assistance from any business, association, or member of our community.
If you wish to donate directly to our organization, our mailing address is:
86 Huron Street, Box 367
Ripley ON
N0G 2R0
The Pine River Watershed Initiative Network supplies charitable receipts for donations over $20.00 CDN for income tax purposes.


Donations accepted by etransfer, cheque or online:

OR contact us at 519-395-5538


Thank you for recognizing and supporting our community projects.

“Time spent among trees is never time wasted”

Please follow our Facebook page: and our website  to learn more about our upcoming projects and programs.



Have you wondered what our non-profit organization is all about?

Would you like to volunteer and make a difference in our local watershed?

Why not join PRWIN and be involved with the growth and future success of our organization?

We welcome you to join us!

Contact us at if you would like to contribute to our community.

Copyright © 2017 Pine River Watershed Initiative Network All rights reserved.

Our mailing address is:
86 Huron Street, Ripley, ON
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The Pine River Watershed Initiative Network · 86 Huron Street Unit 2 · PO Box 367 · Ripley, ON N0G2R0 · Canada

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