Local conservation authority monitoring potential changes

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Conservation Authorities across the province are waiting for the release of the first phase of a Conservation Act review.

Kate Monk is the Project Coordinator for the Ausable Bayfield Conservation Authority.

She says says the revised Act will categorize their programs and help refine what they do and their relationships with municipalities.

“Right now we’re awaiting the phase one regulations, the final regulations to come out and that will help us develop a transition plan and an inventory of programs. So that’s the state we’re at right now,” said Monk. “The overall scope is within the legislation in terms of how we interact in terms of levy and budget and things like that and then, of course, we have the local board and the local municipalities that can have the flexibility of how things are enacted then.”

Monk says the revised Act will help them develop a transition plan and an inventory of programs.

Then in 2022 they hope to be ready to consult with municipalities and enter into agreements with them.

Monk points out the flexibility for each Conservation Authority is there to form its own relationship with its member municipalities because conservation authorities are based on watersheds and not every watershed is the same.

Read original story from Midwestern Ontario News – BlackburnNews.com