Lecture on aging well to be held via virtual webinar

This month’s Gateway Centre of Excellence in Rural Health virtual lecture will be about aging and more specifically, how to do it well.

Gateway Director Jay McFarlan says, demographically, Huron has the second oldest average population in Ontario. So it’s fitting that Doctor Alexandrea Peel will be the guest speaker on next Tuesday’s webinar, and she’s the only rural geriatrician in Canada. She works out of the Royal Oak Health and Wellness Centre in Wingham and she’s also Gateway’s Chair of Rural Senior Care. McFarlan says Doctor Peel will be talking about being healthy at every age and her talk is called Fabulous at Every Age.

“So it’s all about healthy aging, some of those things that she sees in her clinic as a geriatrician that she knows are preventable and she’ll be talking a lot about some of the ways we can prevent the common diseases that happen with old age and some of the ways we can continue to age at home where we’re most comfortable,” McFarlan explained.

The webinar is on Tuesday June 6th at noon. It’s free and people can register through Gateway’s web site, gatewayruralhealth.ca. McFarlan says they also broadcast the webinar live on channel one of Hurontel.

Read original story from Midwestern Ontario News – BlackburnNews.com