Man accused of breaking into cars faces weapons charges

A London man faces several serious offences after he allegedly brandished a weapon when confronted by security at an east end parking garage.

The incident happened Wednesday at around 9 a.m. according to London police. Officers responded to an underground parking lot in the area of 700 King Street over reports that a man was trying to break into vehicles.

Police were told security officers intially responded and located a suspect, who was allegedly in possession of stolen property. When they approached the man, he reportedly produced a knife. The security officers then took physical control of him and called police.

No one was injured during the altercation.

Officers arrived a short time later and arrested a suspect. A search turned up several items including an unspecified quantity of drugs, a flip-knife, and stolen property.

A 34-year-old London man now faces two counts of failing to comply with a release order, three counts of possession of a schedule one substance, assault with a weapon and possession of property obtained by crime over $5,000.

The accused was released from custody and is scheduled to appear in court on June 16.

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