SLED program accepting applications for projects for 2023

The Director of Economic Development for Huron County says the SLED or Supporting Local Economic Development program is now accepting applications for 2023 projects.

Vicki Lass says the SLED fund was established around 2016.

“It was established to help provide funding for some of our partner municipalities and not for profit organizations to be able to do economic development work in their area or in certain sectors that were of importance to them or that they serve,” Lass explained.

Lass says that could include BIAs, Chambers of Commerce, arts organizations and their municipal partners.

“So we grant up to $10,000 for individual projects and right now, pending budget approval, we have $90,000 contributed by the county and an additional $10,000 committed by Community Futures Huron,” added Lass.

Lass points out this is an outright grant, so there is no matching funding required and applications can be made for up to $10,000. Lass says the deadline for applications is April 14, and more information as well as the grant applications can be found by googling SLED Huron County 2023, and if applicants have other questions they can call her or Rick Sickinger at the Huron County Economic Development Department.

Read original story from Midwestern Ontario News –