Women’s House marking Human Trafficking Awareness Day

Women’s House Serving Bruce and Grey is raising awareness for Human Trafficking Awareness Day.

The day is observed on February 22, and Women’s House is using their social media platforms to educate and inform the public on the realities and misconceptions surrounding human trafficking. A release from Women’s House shares that human trafficking “doesn’t have to involve crossing borders or even physically moving a person.” They also say there’s a misconception that human trafficking is a problem elsewhere, but it’s happening right now in communities across Canada, and Grey and Bruce County are not exempt.

Human trafficking involves “luring, moving, or holding victims to exploit them for profit, usually for sexual reasons or forced labour,” according to the release. The risk of being exploited for the purposes of human trafficking is not demographic specific and can affect anyone.

If you or someone you know is at risk of, or experiencing harm, Women’s House Serving Bruce and Grey is here for you. You are not alone. 

Please call the 24-hour Crisis Line 1-800-265-3026 or reach out via text to 226-930-0426. 

Read original story from Midwestern Ontario News – BlackburnNews.com