Local ED closed due to staffing issues

Another local emergency department is closed because of a lack of staff.

The South Bruce Grey Health Centre confirms the emergency department in Chesley will be closed all day on February 2, and won’t re-open until 7 a.m. on Friday, February 3. The SBGHC says all efforts were undertaken to staff the ED in Chesley, but those attempts were unsuccessful.

Ambulance by-pass has been undertaken to divert patients to the nearest open ED.

Anyone requiring immediate medical attention should call 911 to be taken to the nearest Emergency Department. For non-urgent health care needs, Health Connect Ontario is available 24/7 for non-emergency health-related questions by calling 811.

 The closest Emergency Departments to the Chesley site are:

 Hanover (19km)

Durham (36km)

Southampton (42km)

Markdale (44km)

Owen Sound (46km)

Kincardine (60km)

Mount Forest (60km)

Palmerston (60km)

Read original story from Midwestern Ontario News – BlackburnNews.com