Cornhole League starting up in Grey Highlands

A new Cornhole league has started in Midwestern Ontario.

Moondog Cornhole got started with leagues in Alliston and Orillia, but Mike Nieleszeruk says he recently moved to Grey County and has now started up another league in Flesherton that plays on Tuesday nights.

Nieleszeruk participated in the 2019 Canadian Cornhole Championship, finishing 2nd in both social doubles and social singles, and says he has been playing the game for a number of years.

Nieleszeruk says “We started playing cornhole at tailgates for Cleveland Browns games, and we eventually came back and found a league in Kitchener/Waterloo. After the first tournament, we were hooked, fully bought-in”.

He notes that local leagues for Cornhole, otherwise known as “Bean Bag Toss” or “Bags”, feature any skill level or experience, but there are tournaments every few weekends “where you can play higher division levels”, and says in the new year, local leagues may see an uptick in appearances by those looking to tally points for participation in the championship tournaments in Canada and the United States.

Anyone looking for more information can contact Moondog Cornhole on Facebook, or visit

The next Grey Highlands Cornhole League night will be on Tuesday, November 9th at 7:00 p.m. at the Hanley Institute in Flesherton.

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