Leisure and health is the focus of a Gateway Centre webinar

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Health experts and panelists will discuss how leisure activities can affect health.

The Gateway Centre for Excellence in Rural Health is hosting a webinar Tuesday at noon.

It’s being led by Doctor Heather Mair from the University of Waterloo and the title is “Taking Leisure Seriously for Well-Being.”

The panelists include Chris Lee, of the G2G Rail Trail, Karla Boluk, from University of Waterloo, and Jay McFarlan, Gateway’s Research Chair of Rural Nutrition and Exercise.

Dr. Mair says many of us tend to downplay the importance of leisure and hold up as heroes the people who don’t take breaks and don’t take holidays and don’t indulge in hobbies.

“You don’t need to think about leisure in relationship to work. In and of itself it can be a source of meaning and purpose, a sense of freedom and choice. There are some great quotations that I’ll use during the webinar, where leisure is where we, kind of, confront our existence with candour,” said Dr. Mair.

“Often we think of holidays as a chance to re-charge and get ready, get a fresh mind and a fresh perspective to return to work. And I think that’s a fine orientation, but I also think that we need to not always just compare leisure with work, leisure shouldn’t be about preparing to be a better worker.”

You can register for the webinar on the Gateway website.

Read original story from Midwestern Ontario News – BlackburnNews.com