Work in Clinton almost done

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The construction along Clinton’s main street is pretty much on schedule.

That’s according to Central Huron Jim Ginn.

“They may be a week behind, or something like that, so we’re thinking somewhere around the first of November at this point in time, but, of course with construction it’s very weather dependent, so we get a good month of October we should be in good shape,” said Jim Ginn.

He also points out that even now, most of the stores in the first block are accessible most or the time.

“If we can get the second block opened up, there’s far fewer businesses on the first block north of the lights, because of the town hall and the empty lots, there’s not as many there. So we’ll get that paved as soon as possible and that’ll help a lot, but we still think somewhere around the first week of November,” added Ginn.

There is still fencing in front of stores, but there is room behind the fencing, along the side walk, to allow people to enter.

Read original story from Midwestern Ontario News –