Positive mental Health promoted at Upper Grand Schools

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The Upper Grand District School Board is bringing back the Umbrella project to promote positive mental health. According to a media release, the board is offering  monthly wellness themes and skill building this year. The themes will stem from Umbrella Project content and additional content curated and developed by UGDSB staff. This year’s themes include topics such as kindness, empathy, authenticity and integrity.

The focus will include monthly themes, activities and curriculum links to support students and staff. There will also be monthly newsletters on school websites to support parents or guardians to build these skills alongside their child or children. The media release added the board values mentally healthy schools, classrooms and work sites.

Over the summer, a small team of educators worked to embed some of the suggestions and learning in support of the board’s commitment to anti-racism, anti-oppression and the critical alignment between wellness and learning.

Read original story from Midwestern Ontario News – BlackburnNews.com