Tag: London homeless
Homeless agency converts dining room to shelter spaces amid cold snap
A London homeless agency will reopen its dining room and offer yoga mats and chairs for the night after the city resorted to putting homeless people in two buses overnight during the weekend.
Letters to the Editor: Jan. 25
Library praised
London’s golf-course winter shelter dividing opinions, there and beyond
The city’s winter shelter at the Fanshawe golf course is like a boring jail, with little to do, no shuttle service out and occasional shortages of staples, but plenty of rules, says a shelter resident.
Staffing strains take toll as city homeless shelters weather Omicron wave
London’s homeless shelters are managing to keep their heads above the rising waters of Omicron, but the stress of staff shortages is taking its toll, several directors say.
Downtown winter shelters struggling to meet demand as staff absences soar
With colder weather coming, hundreds already seeking meals and the beds full each night, the city’s downtown winter shelters are struggling with staff and volunteer shortages because of Omicron.