Clean Technica Climate change

To Lower Emissions Or Increase Profits? That Is The Question

7 min read

Is the world really at a crossroads of energy consumption choices? We know that fossil fuels — the old and worn trio of coal, oil, and natural gas — have powered our world for a very long time, but they have also comprised nearly 75% of global greenhouse gas emissions. … [continued]

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Clean Technica

Nickel & the Cleantech Revolution — Plus Alaska Energy Metals’ Role in US Energy Independence

7 min read

The electric vehicle revolution is genuinely in full swing, with almost one out of every 4 new vehicles having a plug in 2024. The core element of that revolution is the batteries, and the essence of those batteries is a handful of metals. So, the most critical conundrum is how … [continued]

The post Nickel & the Cleantech Revolution — Plus Alaska Energy Metals’ Role in US Energy Independence appeared first on CleanTechnica.