Tag: heat pump
Introducing GeoBridge, a New Launch Point for Geothermal Information
A New Web Portal Developed by NREL and DOE Connects More Communities to Geothermal If you have ever struggled to find geothermal degree programs, conferences, trade associations, tax incentives, or other geothermal information, you are not alone. “The geothermal industry has been around for decades and is a well-established community … [continued]
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Hydrogen Buses Hurt The People They Are Meant To Help
A sign of a great city is that the rich take public transit. Well, not really. They take light rail and subways. But they don’t take buses. In many cities, light rail systems attract a more affluent ridership compared to buses, highlighting a persistent disparity in public transit usage. Studies … [continued]
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Tesla Model 3/Model Y Winter and Cold Weather Driving Tips
With winter in full swing here in the Northern Hemisphere, we’re getting a lot of questions and comments from new Tesla owners about how to optimize their cold weather EV ownership and driving experience. Here are ten tips to keep in mind when taking your new (or new to you) … [continued]
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Canadian Transit “Think” Tank Presenting Fluff & Denials To Mississauga Council
Over a couple of the last months of 2024, part of my time was spent looking at the bizarre situation of the Canadian Urban Transit Research and Innovation Consortium (CUTRIC). That’s resurfaced, as the Mississauga hydrogen bus trial is going forward despite having zero merit, and CUTRIC’s founder and head … [continued]
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Falling interest rates, new rebate program add excitement to Lifestyle Home Show
London’s Lifestyle Home Show opened its doors Friday at Western Fair District amid a more upbeat tone for the housing industry in the city.
What Do a National Lab, a Home Builder, and an Elephant Have in Common?
Answer: They’re all advancing heat pump water heaters! Late last year I went on an epic Heat Pump Water Heater Tour across America — where I visited a bunch of amazing individuals and organizations making heat pump water heaters the de facto hot shower provider of the 21st century. I … [continued]
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Energy Efficient Data Centers Are Coming For Your Fossil Fuels
New underground, long duration thermal energy storage systems can help manage skyrocketing energy demand from of data centers in the US.
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