Great Lakes Now Michigan

Great Lakes Moment: Mink thriving along the Detroit River | Great Lakes Now

7 min read

Great Lakes Moment: Mink thriving along the Detroit River

Great Lakes Moment is a monthly column written by Great Lakes Now Contributor John Hartig. Publishing the author’s views and assertions does not represent endorsement by Great Lakes Now or Detroit PBS.

From a distance, I caught a glimpse of a relatively small elongated furry animal moving along the shoreline of the Detroit River.

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Great Lakes Now Michigan

Who is working to preserve and restore wetlands in Metro Detroit? | Great Lakes Now

9 min read

Who is working to preserve and restore wetlands in Metro Detroit?

By Erica Hobbs, Planet Detroit

This article was republished with permission from Planet Detroit. Sign up for Planet Detroit’s weekly newsletter here.

Wetlands don’t often come to mind when thinking about major metropolitan cities like Detroit. Bogs, marshes, vernal pools, and swamps contrast starkly with the city’s skyscrapers, roads, and industrial plants, and up to 90 percent of the area’s wetlands along the Detroit River have been lost since European settlement.

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Great Lakes Now Michigan

Operation Manoomin: Restoring Wild Rice along the Detroit River | Great Lakes Now

6 min read

Operation Manoomin: Restoring Wild Rice along the Detroit River

Great Lakes Moment is a monthly column written by Great Lakes Now Contributor John Hartig. Publishing the author’s views and assertions does not represent endorsement by Great Lakes Now or Detroit PBS.

Manoomin (mah-NOO-mehn) or wild rice was once very common in coastal marshes along the Detroit River and has always been sacred to First Nations.

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