London Free Press

What can London’s mayor, business officials do to ease tariff fears?

3 min read

London’s mayor called city economic and business leaders together Friday to get a better idea how to prepare for threatened U.S. tariffs. City officials were joined by organizations from Middlesex County, both London hospitals and post-secondary institutions and construction, manufacturing and business groups for a city hall session with a clear agenda: Creating an “action […]

Great Lakes Now Michigan

CDC awards biomonitoring grants to Great Lakes states, future funding unclear

4 min read

CDC awards biomonitoring grants to Great Lakes states, future funding unclear

This article was republished here with permission from Great Lakes Echo.

By Isabella Figueroa, Great Lakes Echo

New grants to Great Lakes states to measure harmful chemicals in marginalized communities are facing uncertainty under increased White House scrutiny on federal spending.

In September 2024, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention awarded a first round of $5 million across six state biomonitoring programs that measure chemicals in people.

Read Now at Great Lakes Now.

Clean Technica Climate change Olympics

Beijing Buses 95% Electric, Hydrogen Buses Dwindling, Refueling Stations Closing

9 min read

A rule of thumb I’ve been applying for a while is to look at what is succeeding in China in terms of clean technology. It tries everything that’s potentially viable domestically and fierce competition weeds out the winners from the losers. And on battery-electric buses vs hydrogen buses, and battery-electric … [continued]

The post Beijing Buses 95% Electric, Hydrogen Buses Dwindling, Refueling Stations Closing appeared first on CleanTechnica.

Canada Clean Technica Climate change

Hydrogen Buses Hurt The People They Are Meant To Help

11 min read

A sign of a great city is that the rich take public transit. Well, not really. They take light rail and subways. But they don’t take buses. In many cities, light rail systems attract a more affluent ridership compared to buses, highlighting a persistent disparity in public transit usage. Studies … [continued]

The post Hydrogen Buses Hurt The People They Are Meant To Help appeared first on CleanTechnica.